Management Team
Head of Marketing

Alana Giles

Alana is Head of Marketing at Meyler Campbell. Prior to joining, Alana held several contract marketing roles in different sectors including healthcare, publishing, media and events, to gain a variety of experience and be exposed to different ways of working. On concluding these contract roles, she undertook several voluntary conservation roles in Australia, alongside personal travelling, which included a beach dunes stabilisation project, and maintenance work in two National Parks. 

On her return, Alana joined Meyler Campbell in late 2017, where she started as our Business Development Assistant. Now as Head of Marketing she looks after all Meyler Campbell’s marketing and communications, as well as overseeing several ongoing projects.

Alana holds a degree in Sports Development & Coaching from the University of Chichester. She is passionate about developing her skills and wishes to undertake further learning opportunities, specifically in Marketing and Strategy, and is currently undertaking a Digital Marketing diploma. Alana holds dual citizenship of the UK and Australia, plays hockey regularly for Sevenoaks Women’s Hockey Club, and currently lives in West Sussex with her husband Andy, and their rescue dog, Chip.

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