Faculty member
Former lawyer and global search partner, now transformational leadership coach and supervisor.
Penny is intuitive, pragmatic and works heart and soul with her clients. As a leadership coach, she believes that relationship is the foundation of self-awareness and therefore, transformation.
After an early career as a solicitor in the City, she became a partner with a global search firm where she worked alongside many senior client leaders, giving her insight and perspective into the nature of leadership and organisational culture. As a trusted advisor for many years, she trained as a coach with Meyler Campbell in 2009 and blended her earlier training in psychosynthesis (a transpersonal psychology) with business acumen to work with individuals and teams. Fascinated with identity and purpose as foundational for success, Penny is also a coaching supervisor (EMCC).
Penny is qualified in a number of psychometric tools and techniques and never stops learning. A member of Sherwood PSF, a trustee and past chair of the Psychosynthesis Trust and a committee member for the Legal Neurodiversity Network, Penny is part way through an MSc in Consciousness.
Her reading is eclectic to say the least and if she had to choose one book to recommend, it would be Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl. “Between stimulus and response is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom”.